Annual Bible Camp Set at Bear Track - The Beattyville Enterprise, Thursday, May 26, 1955
October 28, 2024

Bear Track Bible Camp will begin its 1955 season on Monday, May 30 with a four day Bible Conference, it was announced this week by Re. George M. Fox of Idamay General Manager of the camp.
The speaker for the occasion will be Dr. J. Ellwood Evans, Professor of Practical Theology at the Dallas Theological Seminary of Dallas, Texas, and National President of the Independent Fundamental Churches of America. “Dr. Evans is an interesting speaker and a deep Bible student, and we are confident that he will by the help of God, bring a blessing to all who attend this conference,” said Mr. Fox.
Although this conference is particularly planned for ministers and Christian workers of this area, lay people who love God’s word are cordially invited.
Following this opening conference, the regular Bible camps for children and young people will occur in their usual order as follows:
- Junior Cam, ages 9 to 12 June 13 to 18.
- Intermediate Camp, ages 123 to 15, June 27 to July 2.
- Young People’s Camp, ages 13 and up, July 11 to 16.
The speaker for all three of these camps will be Dr. Elmer L. Wilder of Portland, Oregon, pastor, evangelist, and Bible teacher. Dr. Wilder is widely known for his ability to use object lessons with both children and older folks and for his books on this subject such as “Heat Reaching Object Lesson”, “Talking Objects”, etc.
Operating in the same location since 1948, near the Bear Track fire tower atop Hatton Hollow Hill, Bear Track Bible Camp is staffed by a cooperating group of Christian workers from surrounding counties and last year welcomed to its various sessions over 200 children and adults from eleven counties of eastern Kentucky as well as various visitors from other states.
The camp is owned by Kentucky Mountain Missions, Inc. and Rev. Fox has been the General Manager for the last six years.
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