Slayer of Andy Poe is in Jail: The Beattyville Enterprise – January 4, 1929

October 12, 2024

Breck Kilburn is Held by Michigan Authorities for Crime


Sheriff T.T. Brandenburg of this city is in receipt of a telegram from the Chief of Police of Pontiac, Michigan, stating that he is holding a person giving his name as Buck Jones and answering the description given for Breck Kilburn who is wanted in this county for the killing of Andy Poe.

On Sunday morning, July 4th, 1926, it is stated that Kilburn went to the home of Poe at Cressmont and called him out of the house. They were seen talking with each other for a few minutes and then backing away from each other when Kilburn raised a double barrel shot gun and fired two loads into the body of Poe, who fell dead. Poe was said to have been unarmed at the time and left a wife and seven children. Kilburn was a single man at the time and about twenty-five years of age.
At the time of the killing, it was reported that on Saturday night before the tragedy there had been a party at the home of Poe and Kilburn and a young man by the name of Reece engaged in a quarrel. Poe ordered Kilburn to leave, and it was further reported that Kilburn state he would go home and get his gun and kill Poe.
 County officials have sent for requisition papers and Sheriff Brandenburg will leave this week for the Michigan city to identify and return the prisoner.