Three Forks Regional Jail Report
September 11, 2024

9/2/24- 9/8/24
John Barrett 43, Beattyville- A.I., domestic assault 4th deg. BCP 9/2
Earnest Reece 43, Beattyville- poss of meth 1st deg, terroristic threats 3rd deg, menacing. LC Sheriff Dept 9/3
Anthony Phillips 51, Beattyville- assault 4th deg. LC Sheriff Dept. 9/3
Stacy Allen 53, Beattyville- burglary 2nd deg, criminal mischief 2nd deg, criminal trespass 2nd deg. LC Sheriff Dept. 9/4
David Smith 45, Beattyville- no show court. LC Sheriff Dept 9/4
Jesse Marshall 39, Beattyville- poss of fentanyl 1st deg, unpaid court fines. LC Sheriff Dept. 9/4
Gabe Tolson 18, Beattyville- contempt court. LC Sheriff Dept 9/6
Kevin Ingram 39, Beattyville- no show court. LC Sheriff Dept 9/6
Tabitha Shackleford 31 Booneville- Trafficking cont sub 3rd deg, traffic meth 1st degree, Trafficking marijuana less than 8oz, poss cont sub 3rd degree, poss stolen firearm, poss of meth 1st deg, drug paraphernalia. OC Sheriff Dept. 9/7
Charles Rice 40, Booneville- Trafficking cont sub 3rd deg, traffic meth 1st degree, Trafficking marijuana less than 8oz, poss cont sub 3rd degree, poss stolen firearm, poss of meth 1st deg, drug paraphernalia. OC Sheriff Dept. 9/7
Christina Gumm 32, Beattyville- P.I. BCP 9/8
Eric Powell 45, Beattyville- theft by extortion, harassment. LC Sheriff Dept. 9/8
Kayla Brinegar- P.I., resist arrest, dis conduct 2nd deg, assault officer 3rd deg.
Kristopher Estes- theft
Seth Graves- burglary 3rd deg, wanton endanger, theft
Dodge A Hensley- no show court
Jeremiah Hix- poss heroin 1st deg, poss controlled sub 3rd deg, drug paraphernalia, no registration, theft of motor vehicle registration, suspended license.
John Hoover- drug paraphernalia, driving w/out insurance
Daren Kelley- DUI, driving w/out insurance, poss heroin 1st deg, poss meth 1st deg, tampering evidence
Eric S Mcintosh- P.I., menacing
Jeremy K Patton- DUI
Robert Smallwood- driving w/out insurance, fleeing scene of accident, reckless driving
Allen Sommer- theft
Roy Spencer- poss heroin 1st deg, poss of meth 1st degree
Dennis Spicer- violate KY EPO
Bradley Thorpe- P.I.
Warren Toler III- fleeing scene of accident
Christopher Wasson- DUI
Aaron White- endangering welfare of a child, P.I.
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