Country Garden Greenhouse & Gypsy Hayven Farm 2024 KFB Certified Farm Markets

Gypsy Hayven Farm and Country Garden Greenhouse, both located in Lee County, are proud to announce their acceptance into the 2024 Kentucky Farm Bureau (KFB) Certified Farm Market Program.
As members of this prestigious program, these markets have committed to providing top-quality products and services to their customers.
This certification ensures that each market meets the highest standards of quality, freshness, and marketing appeal.
Country Garden Greenhouse is located at 99 Union Road in Beattyville. Visit for more.
Gypsy Hayven Farm is located at 860 Shoemaker Ridge, Zoe, KY. Phone (248) 770-970.
KFB President Eddie Melton is excited about the continued growth of the KFB Certified Farm Market Program.
He remarked on the increasing demand for locally grown foods, which is a positive development over the last few years.
He added, “We look forward to another successful season of providing farm-fresh goods to customers by some of the best producers across this state.”
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