The Beattyville City Council Gets Down to Business in their First Meeting of the Year

The January Beattyville City Council met with the traditional prayer by Councilman Sam Cockerham and the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Council and Mayor Scott Jackson, first welcomed Mike Chambers of HomeServe Warranty Program to the January meeting. He gave his presenation about his company's program. They provide insurance in case of a water line break from meters to the home(s) involved, etc.. They have several different types of programs to choose from that the homeowner could voluntarily purchase. The Council moved the decision to offer the program to a later date.
The Council then proceeded to appoint Linda Smith to the Tourism Board for another 3 year term.
Next, the Council approved a payment request of $166,205 from the AML Grant along with a resolution to apply for additional Cleaner Water Funds.
Beattyville Police Chief Cody Sparks gave his December Police Report. His department has received 95 calls, made 18 arrest, and served 26 Citations. There were no accidents to report for December.
Main Street Director Teresa Mays was next to address the Council letting them know that her and Lee County Tourism Director attended a ARC workshop in North Carolina to see what grants were available for our area. She also informed the Council that Town Square was moving along in construction. It should be completed in early Spring, just in time for the dedication ceremony that she is working on.
The Council went on to approve December's Meeting Minutes, and the financial report. The meeting was then adjourned for January.
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