Skunk mating season in full swing

February 15, 2025

Skunk mating season is in full swing and continues through February-March, resulting in kits in May and June. During breeding season males of this mostly nocturnal species wander between four and five miles each night. In addition to their offensive odor, skunks are susceptible to rabies, a serious viral infection they can transmit to other mammals and humans through biting. Great care should be taken to keep children, pets and livestock away from skunks. 
    Pets and livestock should be vaccinated against rabies. The best option to prevent interaction with skunks is to make your house, barns or farm less attractive to them. Use wire mesh and fencing to keep animals away from dwellings; promptly remove extraneous attractions such as pet food, animal feed, garbage or sheltering debris that will bring skunks to your property.

Bobcat Dairy Bar Menu 2/17 -2/22