$1 million in readiness grants awarded by Kentucky Power

January 28, 2025

ASHLAND, Ky. (KT) – In an effort to support energy efficiency improvements in eastern Kentucky, the Kentucky Power Foundation has announced $1 million in weatherization readiness grants awarded to local Community Action agencies in Kentucky.

This funding is meant to enhance existing weatherization initiatives by providing funding for critical home repairs that are necessary for homeowners to qualify for weatherization assistance.

The Community Action Kentucky agencies receiving the grants, which will be paid out over a period of five years, are Northeast Kentucky Community Action Agency, which was awarded $320,000; Big Sandy Area Community Action Program, which will receive $230,000; and $450,000 to support to LKLP Community Action Council (Leslie, Knott, Letcher, and Perry counties).

Cindy Wiseman, president and chief operating officer, said these funds will enable more extensive home repairs and ensure additional homes are adequately prepared for weatherization and energy efficiency measures under the federally funded Department of Energy (DOE) Weatherization Assistance Program, which reduces energy consumption for low-income families and individuals.

“Eastern Kentucky has long faced the challenges of severe weather, and the recent cold temperatures have really highlighted the urgent need for weather-readiness programs to improve the energy efficiency of homes in our service area,” Wiseman said. “We are pleased to provide these grants to help our customers make necessary home repairs that will enable them to participate in the weatherization program.”

Weatherization improvements typically include the addition of quality insulation, upgrading or repairing heating and cooling systems, and providing access to energy-efficient appliances that use less electricity. According to LKLP Housing and Weatherization Director, Annie Thompson, many homes are in such disrepair that they require additional funding to make them safe and ready to accept these weatherization and energy efficiency measures.

“This Kentucky Power Foundation grant will allow us to expand energy-saving services to some of our most disadvantaged clients who would otherwise be unable to receive weatherization services due to the cost of structural repairs needed for their homes to quality,” explained Thompson. “In the counties we serve, this is largely due to the devastating flooding event that occurred in 2022, which created a housing crisis in eastern Kentucky.”

Kentucky Power is an operating company in the AEP system with headquarters in Ashland, providing service to about 162,000 customers in 20 eastern Kentucky counties.

By: Tom Latek
Info via Kentucky Today