New RRG Farmer’s Mkt vendor applications open now through 2/24!
January 31, 2025

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There are two different applications:
1.) Farmer & Agriculture- Based Food Vendor
2.) Artisan, Bakery + Other Vendor
ALL artisans must submit 3 photos of their art via email upon submitting your google form
application. Failure to do so will disqualify your
Email art photos to: In the email, please include your name & your business name so we can match it to your application.
All new vendors will need to attend the two
mandatory pre-season meetings on March 11 & April 29 at 6PM in Slade, KY.
The RRGFM follows all state & federal
regulations for food production and processing. Vendors are expected to have the necessary certifications that are needed to sell their products at the market. The Market Advisory Team will review all applications and respond on or around march 9th.
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